payment gateway

When you hear or think about business payments integration, your first association is probably speed. You might also envision the large number of different transactions taken simultaneously. However, payment gateways are more than that. These virtual gates allow you to improve the cash flow, get new users, and obtain more clarity in the payment process ecosystem.

These benefits are so appealing that more and more global companies have decided to rely on payment API integration. According to Statista, the US, Canada, Germany, and China are among the leading practitioners of integrated payment solutions. Meanwhile, the graph below will ensure you that other counties don’t lose time, too.

Meantime, the prognosis made by Global Payment Gateway Market states that in Europe solely these figures will triple by 2030.

Now that your motivation is heated enough, let’s plunge into how to select the best payment integration path right for your business needs. Read on!

Why should you find the best payment gateway for your business?

To find an answer to this question, you need to understand how payment gateway integration works. We’ll put it simply for you.

When the customer shares their card details, this information is safely transferred to the bank. In case the latter approves the transaction (you should have enough funds for it), the payment gateway deposits the indicated sum, paving its way from the customer to the merchant account. It takes only a few seconds, and the payment is made. 

But what might slip out of your focus is handling sensitive customer data. That’s another function executed by the payment gateway, which reads and stores it securely while enabling online purchases.

Hence, by choosing the best payment gateway integration, you’ll feel the following advantages:

  • Convenience. A seamless payment experience is vital not only for positive UX but also for you, a company looking for simple steps to cope with payments as part of the website’s functionality. API payment gateway integration does just that.
  • Clarity. Thanks to digital payment analytics and accounting, which comes from integrating payment systems with your service, you’ll see the full picture of payment orchestration in one place.
  • New users. Lured by varied payment options, your business can earn the trust of new customers. Moreover, they’ll be happier with such security perks as fraud protection and anonymity, the useful extras from payment integration.
  • Increased conversion. This is the obvious consequence of the previous point. When users feel your care about their needs, they respond with higher sales.
  • Minimized dropdown. In case you’re an e-commerce business, your biggest fear is the abandoned shopping cart, and payment gateway integration prevents this from happening or significantly lowers this chance. How? By reducing the number of steps on the customer’s side and simplifying the payment procedure. 

Well, now we’re moving from WHY to HOW to integrate bank payment gateway. To do it right, choose the one that meets your business specifics the best.

Understand your business first

Before you integrate a payment system with your web software, think primarily not about brand choices like Braintree, Square, or Stripe. Instead, think of the payment gateway type that resonates with your business more.

There are two main types of payment gateways—hosted and non-hosted. To ease up your life, we’ll leave you a hint—a quick comparison table with key nuances of each described.

Now let's sum up the pros and cons to distinguish between a hosted and a non-hosted getaway include:

  • Hosted (like Paypal): Easy setup, security, user-friendly interface, BUT ALSO partial checkout management and risk of abandoned shopping carts;
  • Not-hosted (like Stripe): Full checkout management, customization options, integrations with different formats, BUT ALSO more tech-related work on your site and responsibility for security and industry compliance.

*Non-hosted payment gateway is also known as integrated payment gateway. To know how it works in more detail, read our other guide on B2B payment API integrations.

Factors to consider while choosing a payment gateway

Hope you’ve got that a payment gateway should be obligatorily linked to your business model. This consideration will save you a lot of money and customers’ loyalty. Meantime, there are some other factors you need to mind while picking the best bank integration.


Yes, that’s the first thing you need to decide on. Usually, you’ll deal with three types of expenses: set-up fee, monthly fee, and transaction fee. Evaluate your total and choose the cost-efficient solution for your business.

Types of cards allowed

Your user might not be limited to Visa and MasterCard solely. That’s why you’d better account for the variety of cards allowed before integration begins. 

Multiple currency support

If your business runs globally, consider the currency options as well. Readiness to cope with payments in different currencies can lure more clients to you.


As all users expect for their sensitive data protection, the more well-thought data handling system you have, the better. In the first place, look for the level-1 PCI DSS compliant. 


No one is fully protected from technical errors and glitches, and professional customer support can save you in the time of trial. Otherwise, your business can lose clients, time, and money. 

Integration with other systems

We’ve already mentioned it as the key advantage of favouring an integrated payment gateway. In fact, Gen Zers consider integration potential one of the decisive factors when choosing a service. Appeal to the modern users, embracing technology for your profit.

Your payment integration will go smoothly with Patternica's tech support

The final question in your head now is how to find a reliable partner knowing how to integrate a payment gateway, not by hearsay. Patternica is whom you need. Our payment API developers will help you make the right choice and integrate your online store or other business with suitable payment gateways. Contact us to start building your new payment management flow!